I have spent the past weekend developing the tools paths to machine the outsides of the Connecting Rods. I will be using the fixture shown below to hold the conrods so the entire side can be machined in one go, then it is flipped over and the opposite side is machined in a like manner.
The fixture consists of two drill rod posts fitting in the big and little ends of the conrod and hold down screws clamping everything tight.

The first roughing operation is to machine the outline and remove most of the material.

Then the top side is machined:

The part is flipped over:

And the back side is machined:

And below the conrod pulled off the CNC router. Now to machine the other three connecting rods.

I am pleased with this technique of installing a bronze bushing. Next time I won’t use an off the shelf oil-lite bushing, but some softer bronze stock.