Offenhaser Model Engine Plans Development – Top End

I have started looking at the top of the engine, the head, cambox, and camshaft. But I got sidetracked working some of the subtle shapes of the crankcase that bothered me. I did not like the way that SolidWorks generated the fillets circled below. I spent a fair amount of time adjusting the control points and did not like this trial and error approach.


So I decided to use surfaces instead of solid bodies. I have not used surfaces for a couple of years so I spent some time researching and practicing. Below the surfaces are being laid in:


And once the surfaces are created, they are knitted together to create a solid body. I am much happier with the result. Below is the result of my test crankcase using surfaces instead of fillets.


Below is the beginning of my study for the head and the cambox. These are complicated parts. Both coolant and oil travel through the head.


Below is the underside of the head.


I have spent a fair amount of time today reading through Terry Mayhugh’s Offy build log; what an absolute mother lode of information. I have a lot of studying to do before I can begin to add the next level of detail the Might Midget 97 cu in. model engine. The model engine will be about 24cc.