GDB4 4 cylinder Model Engine Build – Dodged a Bullet Today

Dodged a Bullet Today

I made an error this week machining the Block Top Plate and it really gave me pause. The part needs to be .227″ tall and I started with 1/4″ thick stock that ended up .242″ after I had squared it up and fly cut the top and bottom. When I programmed the tool paths in Fusion360 I miscalculated the amount of raw stock to be removed from the top (.242″ – .227″) and I machined too much material off and ruined it. The top plate is relatively simple and was easy to remake, but what if I had made this mistake on the cylinder block? I have been working on the cylinder block up to this point and have innumerable hours into it. The thought really upset me. I got lucky and dodged a bullet on this one. I need to remain ever diligent and check everything multiple times (I thought I did).

The Block Top Plate seals the water jacket in the cylinder block.


The good part is sitting on top of the block and the bad part is in my hand,


I also machined the back of the cylinder block and the oil pan in the same manner as the front as seen in my last post.


Next up is machining the sides of the cylinder block.

I made the Top Plate wider than it needs to be because I am going to secure it to the cylinder block and then machine the sides of the bock with it in place.

But now I am going to kick back, enjoy the sunset and meditate on my luck.
